Reach out to me by text message, Skype message, or Facebook message, if you don‘t know what to do or where to go. I coach and consult at 3 different places, if and when you write, be 100% sure you tell me FIRST what company it is you are working with.
Once you write me at one of these 3 places, I will provide a direct link to the page you should be at… again, please be sure you tell me 1st what company you are with:
Text message: (509) 579-3102
Skype ID to send Skype contact request: live:coachbyscott
Facebook page:

Guidance or Assistance needed with Skype or Facebook?
There are two acceptable methods of communication with me: Skype, and Facebook. SKYPE IS STRONGLY PREFERRED. If you are located outside the United States, Skype is required because it allows us to talk “Skype-to-Skype” for 100% free. Do NOT purchase anything! The free version of Skype is acceptable.
Here are videos to assist:
If you still have trouble, I’m including 2 more tutorials for Skype below. There is also your Facebook tutorial that I personally made you, below the Skype videos:
Skype ID: live:coachbyscott
Skype is ALWAYS preferred!
Facebook message: