Super Affiliate Network “Getting Started” Instructions

Watch this ENTIRE video beginning-to-end! This video is REQUIRED.

You have a couple of simple tasks to complete before your SAN Boot Camp training will be opened. The purpose of this video is first to allow you to get to know Coach Scott (& why he’s qualified to coach you), and then to direct you to your “Welcome Appointment Instructions”. Once done with those TWO tasks (the video below and the “Welcome Appointment video’s instructions), he will open your training & send further instructions. It starts here, right now… let’s do this! Please start by watching the video, below, beginning-to-end:
(*If you have already watched this video and have been sent back here, then Skype message or Facebook message Coach Scott immediately to get a new link along with updated instructions. Scott’s Skype ID is: live:coachbyscott and his Facebook page is
You MUST watch this video before your Welcome Appointment.

Only AFTER you watch the video above, click this link to go to your welcome appointment page: Click these words for Welcome Appointment.

To manually enter the Welcome Appointment page into your web browser, enter: